The website supports Exploer 11 and up

GOSHEN – Community Child Health & Well Being


Directors: Dr. Manuel Katz And Prof. Eitan Kerem


GOSHEN, a non-profit organization, works to promote the health and well-being of all children in the family and the community. GOSHEN does so by improving the ability of professionals to address the varied health needs of children; increasing the use of research-based knowledge, information and practice; and providing inter-disciplinary service and parental support through public advocacy – carried out in full cooperation with the spectrum of all relevant elements in the community. The GOSHEN organization’s goal is to promote a new model of integrative work: health-education-welfare-community among medical professionals (pediatricians, family physicians and nurses), pre-school professional personnel, teachers andadvisors in the educational system, and psychologists, welfare workers and social workers in the community. In addition to the courses and seminars run by GOSHEN for pediatricians and family physicians, comprehensive seminars will also be offered to community doctors and pediatric interns, as well as seminars targeted at pre-school professionals and practical workshops for professionals covering a range of subjects.
GOSHEN will work jointly with social organizations and government ministries towards changing policies in fields relevant to children, to facilitate providing comprehensive inter-disciplinary services that address health, educational and emotional issues and all the family needs that children require.

last update 6 February 2019
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