Prof. Linda Theron
Professor Linda Theron, D. Ed., is an HPCSA-registered Educational Psychologist. She is also a full professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Pretoria, South Africa and extraordinary professor in Optentia Research Unit, North-West University, South Africa. Her clinical and research interest is in child and adolescent resilience, with a special interest in how situational and cultural context shapes the resilience of African young people. Linda has authored/co-authored 140+ peer-reviewed academic publications relating to child and youth resilience. She serves as an (action) associate editor of two respected peer-reviewed journals: Child Abuse & Neglect (Elsevier) and Journal of Adolescent Research (Sage). The National Research Foundation of South Africa rated Linda’s resilience-focused work as internationally acclaimed and she is an elected member of the Academy of Science, South Africa (ASSAf).