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Registration for the Third Haruv International Conference

The Haruv Institute is pleased to announce its Third International Conference on Child Maltreatment.

The conference will be held at the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 17-18 May, 2023.

Admission price to the conference – 65 $
Admission price to the conference for students / guests from developing countries – 52 $

In addition, as part of the conference, on the first evening (May 17) from 16:30-18:30, there will be a toast and a screening of the documentary “Rewind”, chaired by Abbie Newman, CEO of Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center.

There is no additional cost to attend the event.

* In order to pay in NIS, you must register using the Hebrew form.


Please note:

* There is no possibility to register for one day only.
* Registration will close in proximity to the date of the conference.
* The conference language is English.

last update 9 May 2023


Registration has been closed due to large numbers of participants. We invite you to register for other lectures in the program.
The Haruv Institute Team
Please don’t close this page until you receive a confirmation of registration