שִׂים לֵב: בְּאֲתָר זֶה מֻפְעֶלֶת מַעֲרֶכֶת נָגִישׁ בִּקְלִיק הַמְּסַיַּעַת לִנְגִישׁוּת הָאֲתָר. לְחַץ Control-F11 לְהַתְאָמַת הָאֲתָר לְעִוְורִים הַמִּשְׁתַּמְּשִׁים בְּתוֹכְנַת קוֹרֵא־מָסָךְ; לְחַץ Control-F10 לִפְתִיחַת תַּפְרִיט נְגִישׁוּת.

The website supports Exploer 11 and up

Programs For Juvenile & Family Court Judges


Programs 2018


Tours to Familiarize Juvenile & Family Court Judges with the Haruv Children’s Campus

In collaboration with: Judges from the Juvenile, Family and Criminal Courts

Goal: To become familiar with the variety of services offered to the maltreated child and his family.

Target Population: Juvenile and Family Court judges

Number of Participants: About 60 for each tour

Location: The Haruv Children’s Campus


Workshop for Juvenile & Family Court Judges, led by Prof. Joy Osofsky

Goal: To study the substance of the Safe Babies Court model, which links babies and their families with the support and services they require – to promote the healthy development of the child, while at the same time ensuring a quicker exit from the judicial system consequent to maltreatment.

Target Population: Juvenile and Family Court judges

Number of Participants: 20

Location: Haruv Institute, Jerusalem

last update 18 June 2019
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