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Protection Centers

Programs 2018


Training by Colleagues of the Protection Centers’ Police

In collaboration with: The Welfare Ministry and the Social Services

Goal: To serve as a source of inspiration and teaching for the policemen, by colleagues from a variety of experiences and multi-cultural backgrounds; to help counsel, direct and support, and together create a sense of belonging. This group will serve as a platform for enriching the world of content of this role, with emphasis on the uniqueness of the work at the protection center, as part of a multi-professional team.

Target Population: The policemen at the protection centers

Number of Sessions: 12

Number of Participants: 8, 1 policeman from each Center

Location: Tel Aviv


Training by Colleagues of the Protection Centers’ Directors

In collaboration with: The Welfare Ministry and the Social Services

Goal: To create a source of teaching and consultation by colleagues for the directors of protection centers

Target Population: The directors of the protection centers

Number of Sessions: 12

Number of Participants: 8, 1 director from each Center

Location: Tel Aviv


Orientation Seminar for Workers of the Child Protection Centers

Goal: To unify all the workers of the protection centers for a fun event to help release tension and cope with burnout in their work.

Target Population: The workers at the protection centers

Number of Sessions: 2

Number of Participants: 42

Location: Nof Genosar

Programs 2017


Directors of Protection Centers

In partnership with: Child & Youth Service, Welfare Ministry

Goal: The group of directors of the protection centers serves as a source of inspiration and learning for colleagues, with a rich variety of experience and multi-cultural backgrounds, an advisory, guidance and support group, and a culture of  togetherness and a sense of belonging.

Target Population: Protection Center directors

Number of Sessions:  9

Participants: 8

Location: Ramat Gan ( Information & Learning Center, Ashalim)


Child Protection Social-Workers Group at Protection Centers

In partnership with: Child & Youth Service, Welfare Ministry

Goal: The Child protection social workers each work in a separate protection center and must cope with difficult emotional and professional challenges. This group provides a learning and consultation milieu and the creation of a group of colleagues that can discuss professional cases and challenges.

Target Population: Child Protection  social workers at Protection Centers

Number of Sessions:  10

Participants: 12

Location: Ramat Gan (Information & Learning Center, Ashalim)


Protection Centers – Round Tables, 1 and 2

In partnership with: The Ministries of Welfare, Public Security, Health, Justice, Police

Goal: The national steering committee of the protection centers consists of representatives of the various government ministries, representatives of partnering NGO’s and of the protection centers. Each protection center formulated procedures fitting their activities. These formulations, now in the process of finalization, will be submitted for discussion during these study seminars and a final procedure will be formulated into a single obligatory document.

Target Population: Staff of the protection centers, and the ministries’ national and regional inspectors

Number of Sessions: 2

Participants: 200

Location:  Ramat Gan



Phototherapy Workshop for Protection Centers’ Staff

Goal: The workshop is targeted at professionals and addresses a wide spectrum of topics and challenges encountered by the organization and its professionals, in a creative manner via the camera lens. The program is part of many resources invested in every protection center individually, every year.

Target Population: Protection Centers’ staff

Number of Sessions: 1

Participants: 10 in each Center

Location:  Throughout Israel

last update 11 June 2019
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