Study Programs Based On Child-Parent Psychoterapy (CPP)
Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) is a treatment method developed for infants and young children and their parents, in the wake of exposure to traumatic events within the family, such as chronic illness, death, violence, abuse, or severe neglect. The method is based on the premise that trauma has an adverse effect on a child’s attachment to his parents, thereby jeopardizing his healthy development. The intervention aims to strengthen the parent-child relationship, so as to restore the child’s sense of safety, attachment to his parents, and self-regulation, and to improve his cognitive, social and behavioral functioning.
programs 2018
Supplemental Training Days for Graduates of the CPP and TTT (training and teaching course in CPP) Programs
Goal: To strengthen the ties with the CPP founder in the U.S., Prof. Alicia Leiberman, and discuss challenging therapeutic issues.
Target Population: Graduates of the CPP program and teachers and supervisors of CPP
Number of Sessions: 2
Number of Participants: 50
Location: Haruv Institute
Fourth Public Lecture and Workshop in Memory of Patricia Van Horn
Goal: Prof. Patricia Van Horn was one of the founders of the CPP treatment method taught in Israel. She visited Israel during four years to teach the CPP method, but fell ill during her stay in Israel and died at the end of January, 2014. The Haruv Institute holds annual public lectures in her memory, each year inviting a world-renowned expert on trauma in pre-school children. Additionally, an annual scholarship is given to a researcher or therapist in the field of trauma in pre-school children. Prof. Mary Dosier of Delaware University was the guest lecturer on the subject of intervention with at-risk families of preschoolers.
Target Population: The target population of the lecture – the general public; the target population of the workshop – specialists in intervention with pre-school children.
Number of Sessions: 2
Number of Participants: At the lecture – about 170; the workshop – 20
Location: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus
programs 2017
6th CPP Course
The Goal: To train caregivers working with pre-school children and their parents, via a state-of-the-art therapy model to be implemented in different therapeutic networks.
Target Population: Social-workers, psychologists, art therapists
Participants: 24
Number of Sessions: 9 seminar days, held every six months; 32 training sessions held every two weeks.
Location: Leonardo City Tower Hotel, Ramat-Gan. The training sessions are held at various venues in Jerusalem, Modi’in and Tel Aviv.
Reinforcement Training with Alicia Lieberman for CPP Graduates
The Goal: This is part of the annual reinforcement program for graduates of the CPP programs.
Target Population: 1st day: graduates of all CPP courses. 2nd day: teachers and staff of CPP
Number of Sessions: 2
Participants: 65
Location: The Haruv Institute
Public Lecture in Memory of Prof. Patricia Van Horn
The Goal: To pay homage to her memory and her activism for pre-school aged children who experienced trauma, and mark her contribution to the professionals working with this population in Israel.
Target Population: Open to the general public
Number of Sessions: 1
Participants: 80
Location: The Senate Hall, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Workshop in Memory of Prof. Patricia Van Horn
The Goal: To pay homage to her activism for pre-school aged children who experienced trauma, and mark her contribution to the professionals working with this population in Israel.
Target Population: Professionals in the field
Number of Sessions: 1
Participants: about 22
Location: The Haruv Institute