Training Programs for Nonprofit Educational Organizations
Programs 2018
A Study Program on Selected Issues in Working with Children At-Risk
In collaboration with: “Big Brother, Big Sister – Israel” (NGO)
Goal: To impart information to the staff of directors and coordinators of the NGO and provide a wide professional perspective on the work with children-at-risk, as well as to help them better train the volunteer staff that is in contact with the children.
Target Population: The coordinators and directors of the NGO
Number of Sessions: 4
Number of Participants: 20
Location: Tel Aviv
Learning Sessions for Volunteers: The Encounter between the Big Brother/Sister and the Child
In collaboration with: “Big Brother, Big Sister – Israel” (NGO)
Goal: To provide a peek into the child’s inner and emotional world, to learn to cope with the challenges that the encounter between a Big Brother and a child present, and become familiar with the tools that reinforce the ties and trust with the child.
Target Population: Volunteers in the “Big Brother, Big Sister – Israel” (NGO)
Number of Sessions: 1 session in each sector, a total of 4
Number of Participants: 80
Location: Throughout Israel