שִׂים לֵב: בְּאֲתָר זֶה מֻפְעֶלֶת מַעֲרֶכֶת נָגִישׁ בִּקְלִיק הַמְּסַיַּעַת לִנְגִישׁוּת הָאֲתָר. לְחַץ Control-F11 לְהַתְאָמַת הָאֲתָר לְעִוְורִים הַמִּשְׁתַּמְּשִׁים בְּתוֹכְנַת קוֹרֵא־מָסָךְ; לְחַץ Control-F10 לִפְתִיחַת תַּפְרִיט נְגִישׁוּת.

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Call for proposals 2021: Special Issue on Female perpetrators of Childhood Maltreatment

Guest Editors: Dafna Tener, PhD, Dana Lassri, PhD, and Ateret Gewirtz-Meydan, PhD.


Aims and scope of the special issue:

Although there is a common misconception that all child offenders are men, women child offenders also exist. Research in this area (including sexual, physical, and emotional abuse perpetrated by women) is scares, and there are many gaps in the literature, including the prevalence of female preparators, their characteristics, how female perpetrators differ from male counterparts, why women abuse, how women abuse children (directly and indirectly – as co-abusers), trends in female perpetration (is it rising or decreasing), differences in the ways in which practitioners from diverse disciplines address women preparation and/or survivors of women preparators, and long-term effects of childhood maltreatment conducted by women.

The special issue seeks to address these gaps. In light of the popular and professional perceptions that childhood maltreatment by women is relatively rare and less harmful than maltreatment by men, the implications of the studies published are significantly important to professionals working in the area of childhood maltreatment. More specifically, it is expected that this cut edging innovative special issue, will promote future prevention and intervention efforts.

To download the Call for Abstracts please press here


Submission instructions:

Manuscript abstracts are invited between 15-04-2021 and 31-05-2021. Abstracts should include the objective and aims of the study, the methodology, findings, and conclusions. Abstracts should be no more than 400 words.

Important dates

First submission expected: 15-04-2021

Submission deadline: 31-05-2021

Invitation for full manuscript submission: 1-07-2021

Full manuscript submission: 1-12-2021

Submission will be due by 1-03-2022.

Abstracts should be sent to femalemaltreatment@gmail.com

Following an invitation to submit a full manuscript, authors should prepare the paper in compliance with the International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice’s guide for authors (https://www.springer.com/journal/42448/submission-guidelines) and submitted through the Editorial Manager (EM) submission site https://www.editorialmanager.com/malt/default.aspx

Manuscripts will be peer reviewed. Please indicate in the cover letter accompanying your manuscript that your paper should be considered for the Special Issue on Female perpetrators of Childhood Maltreatment.

For questions regarding this special issue, please contact Dafna Tener, dtener@gmail.com, Dana Lassri, dana.lassri@mail.huji.ac.il or Ateret Gewirtz-Meydan agewirtz-@univ.haifa.ac.il

For general questions or inquiries about the journal, please contact the Editor-in-Chief Carmit Katz, PhD  carmitkatz@tauex.tau.ac.il

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