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During the past decade, we have witnessed the growing use of medical simulation for training and assessment in the medical professions. This trend has increased especially in response to the growing demands to reduce human error in medicine and introduce a culture of patient safety. Following the success of this teaching tool, its use has spread to other disciplines, with emphasis on the communication skills of professionals – especially those who come in contact with maltreated children and their families.

The field of simulation includes a wide variety of teaching and assessment techniques, all of which are based on creating a virtual and controlled environment that facilitates structured and reliable learning, accompanied by documentation, debriefing and providing immediate feedback to the trainees. The wide range of simulation methods includes the use of “clients” (actors), enabling the trainee to experience scenarios relevant to their specific professional world.

MSR, Israel’s Center for Medical Simulation, is the first center of its kind in Israel and in the world and has been operating at the Sheba Medical Center since its establishment in 2002. With the opening of the Haruv Campus for Children-at-Risk at Mt. Scopus, we also opened a Jerusalem branch of MSR: MSR-Haruv Simulation Center for Welfare and Medicine. The Center focuses primarily on training and improving communication skills in the subject of welfare and violence against children.


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last update 23 July 2024
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