Who we are
The Haruv Institute is the leading organization in Israel, and among the leaders in the world, for training and engaging in research to help children suffering from abuse and neglect.
Since its establishment in 2007, the Institute has been working to train professionals, support workers, researchers, parents and children in the prevention of abuse and neglect, and teaching them to identify, locate and rehabilitate the victims. In addition, the Institute develops innovative professional knowledge and disseminates it in Israel and worldwide.
The uniqueness of the Institute lies in its comprehensive multidisciplinary activity for achieving this goal, covering medical, legal,emotional, educational and social aspects.
The Institute’s activity has grown significantly over the years. Cooperation with professionals in the field in Israel and worldwide has increased, and the number of activities and training courses offered by the Institute has risen dramatically. But it isn’t resting on its laurels.
The Institute is currently working on expanding its activity and planning joint programs with additional communities in Israel and abroad, with a variety of populations, and with an emphasis on the school system. We welcome ideas and suggestions for additional cooperative ventures.
Four main missions
»» Developing study and training courses on the highest level, for a wide variety of service providers,clinicians, professionals in the field, and in effect, anyone who comes in contact with children. The programs are based on current knowledge, and are taught by leading Israeli and international experts in the field of child maltreatment.
»» Developing and promoting a variety of advanced methods and technologies for the prevention of abuse and the treatment of children who have experienced abuse and neglect, by creating a rich base of knowledge that is accessible to the professional community responsible for children’s welfare.
»» Influencing the processes of decision making on public and social welfare policy in Israel, and on the legislative processes on the issue of child abuse and neglect.
»» Promoting knowledge exchange among professionals in Israel, and with colleagues from professional communities abroad.
The main challenges
»» Imparting new knowledge, exposure to up-to-date treatment methods and advanced service technologies that meet the needs of professionals in the areas of child abuse and neglect.
»» Establishing and strengthening cooperation with establishment and non-establishment organizations that work with high-risk children.
»» Making existing information in the field available to professionals.
»» Enriching and expanding the theoretical and empirical data bases through research, and promoting existing training and study programs, as a basis for developing reserves of knowledge and information in the field of child abuse.
Target population
The target population of the Haruv Institute includes a broad range of policy makers, professionals, academics, service providers in various fields, volunteers, students, parents and children.
»» Welfare: Social workers, social workers for the Youth Law, social workers for legal measures, social workers who work with people with developmental disabilities, child investigators, counselors
in community and non-family frameworks, professional support workers, etc.
»» Education: Teachers, preschool teachers, supervisors, psychologists, advisers, volunteers and administrative workers.
»» Health: Hospital and community doctors and nurses, psychosocial staffs, the support staff in hospitals and health service workers.
»» Judicial and Law Enforcement: Judges, attorneys, police prosecutors, police officers, youth investigators and investigators of violence.
»» Local government: Senior employees in the welfare, education, health and police systems, and those with other jobs that directly affect abused and neglected children.
»» Higher education: The academic faculty and students in universities and colleges.
»» The third sector: Staff members in foundations, non-profit organizations, legal defense organizations, counselors in youth movements and volunteers doing a year of community service, National Service and more.
»» Parents and children.
Cooperation with other organizations
The Haruv Institute conducts professional work relations and joint study programs with leading organizations and groups in the field of social and mental health services for at-risk and troubled children and youth. Such organizations include: government ministries, the Center for Local Government and local authorities, universities and research institutes, NGOs.